A Year In Review: How I Manifested My World in 2019

Blogs should have a theme; Blogs should have a niche.

I don’t know what that means to me anymore because this one is always evolving and I won’t fit it into a box because it is an extension of my life. Naturally, my writing and perspectives change, shift, and evolve–constantly– and this post is a reflection of that.

Moving on

For no reason whatsoever, one day in January I felt compelled to video log myself with a quick New Year message into 2019. Perhaps it could have been sparked by my 30th birthday about 2 weeks prior, but what kicked off was a month to month documentation of the intentions of my future in my 30th year alive. Thoughts are powerful, and it is the reason behind Littermature’s motto:

Make It Stick, Write It Down.

As a result, I have developed a crash course on journaling, which exemplifies my philosophical approach to life. More importatntly, everyone can use journaling as a means to enrichen their living experience by identifying their own unique meaning and purpose. I’ll touch more on that as soon as it’s ready.

How I spent my year:

The vlogs range in length and blossom into different vibes in perspective as I tick off month to month. It is interesting in seeing my life and mood cycle itself over the course of a year. In short, I had one hell of a year– it was awesome— and if you want to get peak into the glassball of my world in pictures over the last year, you can check out my personal instagram


2020 Vision

I plan on continuing the trend, and I will be publishing my monthly check ins on the go month to month as opposed to uploading them all at the end of the year– you can check them out here:


But here are my vlogs from the last year. I don’t have too much more to say about them because they speak for themselves– pun intended.

Here they are– With Reflection,


January 8, 2019

February 16, 2019

March 2, 2019

April 2, 2019

May May 5, 2019

June 3, 2019

July 5, 2019

August 1, 2019

September 2, 2019

October 8, 2019

November 3, 2019

December 6 & 8, 2019

With Reflection,


Self Help Journaling

Ebook, Audiobook, Journaling Crash Course

Make It Stick, Write It Down. A Journaled Philosophy.

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